Who are David?

I am a photographer from Sweden, probably most known for being one of the nerdiest light nerds out there. 20+ years behind the camera.
My background is in cinematography – a field where light is respected as a craft and art form. I bring this view of light into all my projects.
What do you do?
As a commercial photographer with lighting as my main focus, I have ticked off most types of work for clients where an artificial scenery needs to come alive. Both for still and film. That includes ad-campaigns, magazines, portraiture, still-life, commercials, corporate and so on…
What about education?
Yes, I do a lot of education. After meeting thousands of photographers during my lectures and masterclasses, I dare say that I
found the core problem of why people find light daunting, complicated and tricky…

The challenge is always to make experienced dogs sit. Everyone have their own, home brewed theory of light. I have pinpointed most of them, and debunking is one of my passions. To prove a whole auditorium “to be wrong” is a wonderful
challenge I love to do over, and over again.
My concept of teaching how to control light lies more within a shifted mindset, and seeing the world “with the eyes of a light source”. It’s not primary about light-gear and expensive modifiers. It’s all about understanding the
true nature of light.
When this is an intuitive way of thinking, you unleash your creative wings and remove all creative friction.
I get it, it sounds cheesy.
Sorry. But it’s true.
Where can I learn more about light?
During these pandemic times, I’d recommend a couple of digital resources:
This is where me and my colleague Anders collect and create light-nerd-content frequently. If you love light, this is a place you should hook up too – despite if you’re advanced or a newbie.
Fundamentals of lighting
If you’re after a strict one-stop-course, I made one for Profoto Academy covering the important basics on how to understand lighting.
Profoto Academy- Fundamentals of lighting
E-mail: info@davidbicho.com
Phone: +46(0)please, email instead.
And now, a ton of pix!
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